Archive for the tag “lace up heels”

Monday Workwear

IMG_7301Over two years ago I did a simple post about what I wear to work on Mondays… Or really any day you want to look professional but simultaneously feel comfortable. This post, although I’d say not the most novel, has been one of the most visited and shared from my blog. I think this balance of looking put together while being effortless and functional is difficult but certainly of highest preference. I have decided I would need to do more posts like this one, and share more ways to make workwear more manageable and work more tolerable!

My go to? Keep it simple.

A men’s button down automatically makes any look easy and strong.

Paired with a femme skirt in a playful scuba material, bold statement necklace and stylish lace up heels, call it done. A comfortable fit and flare skirt, with the classic oversized men’s shirt, and shoes that practically cradle your feet, it creates perfect “wear all day” shapes.


Happy Working in Comfort and Style!

Trending: Scooting Around the Town

Trending: Stylish Scooters  Trending: Stylish Scooters  The Scooter. It may not be new, but it is certainly on the rise with fashionistas. I mean it is smart. Easier parking, Save money on gas have more money to buy clothes…. and it allows for more visibility of your adorable attire rather than being covered by your vehicle. Aside from a little helmut hair, perfect. Sound reasoning right?

Well it made sense to me. So, I decided to try out this chic mode of transportation myself. My findings?… Yes, I think I may need one. Especially so I can try out some of the scooter fashion finds I posted above.

Until then, here’s a little imagery from my experience parading the city on my little red rent-a-scooter!

Trending: Scooter Chic
Trending: Scooter Chic
Trending: Scooter ChicTrending: Stylish Scooters

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