Archive for the tag “trends”

Food Meets Fashion: Spring 2014 Fashion Inspired Menu

Yes, Fall is quickly approaching, but this week it’s spring in the fashion world.

If you’re like me, you are not attending the shows in New York this week, or getting photographed my Phil Oh for your outstanding outfit even if it is deserving of street-style-stardom. So what to do about it, aside from gawk at you favorite blog’s newest post on the greatest trends by yourself? Celebrate spring style in style with your fashion loving friends by having a spring fashion inspired dinner party. Like the newest displays of well crafted layers over sheer from Theyskens’ Theory, Sass & Bide, Jason Wu and Vera Wang, craft a well made healthful and decadent meal with shear flavor!

What’s on the Menu?

Oh and of course it’s Gluten free and vegan just as every fashionista is come springtime.


Cilantro pesto with a bit of a chili kick on roasted potato planks

Avocado Frite+ Corn+ Biting Arugula

Corn fried avocado toped with a spicy fresh, zucchini, roasted corn tomato and arugula salad

Bitter Chocolate+Sweet Graham

To finish, what else besides a chocolate tart with graham cracker crust.

Cocktail….. Always a Cocktail 

If I were you, I’d make a specialty cocktail to accompany. A fresh raspberry mint cocktailor go high fashion with gin gimlet with lime mint and a dash of celery bitters.



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