Archive for the tag “muse”

Savoring Images

Inspiring, nostalgic, sense provoking. For whatever the reason, we love to save images. The internet is a wealth of information and visual motivation.

If you are like me, you have folders upon folders on your computer- some labeled, some miscellaneous- full of images that caught your fancy.

Recipes, Art, Fashion, Travels, DIY projects…. anything to ignite the creative mind.

I frequent blogs and constantly google, but now, when I find an exciting image, Pinterest is my go to.

How perfect! I have a blog because I enjoy sharing and creating inspiration. Now instead of just hoarding away images to fill up computer and clutter my desktop- I can instantly post my exciting new find to my designated board. I can easily organize and visit the prompt again on my own page. Best of all, you can see it too!

I compile and curate tasteful lifestyle stimulus on my blog for my readers. However, there are plenty of discoveries and small muses that is worth noting and may not make in into a full post. For that there is Pinterest.

Follow me on Pinterest for even more artist palate insight.

Source: via Taylor on Pinterest

Source: via Taylor on Pinterest

Source: via Taylor on Pinterest

Source: via Taylor on Pinterest

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